it’s a full featured wiki powered by git, jekyll (github pages) and pull-requests!

It means:

  • Improvements in the cooperative aspect: forks, pull-requests and roles.
  • You can customize your wiki as you want with style sheets and even changing the layout.
  • No databases! Only static files that can be downloaded in a few seconds.
  • Markdown and html mixed together!
  • History, revision comparison and everything you need from a wiki platform.
  • You can edit your pages with the standard git editor, (integrated) or any kind of editor you prefer.
  • You can fork/copy the master branch now and start your wiki in just 1 minute.

Then share your wiki with us! please.

Note: You can even include the github wiki as a submodule and enable the conf, but it’s an experimental feature and it implies less advantages and greater disadvantages for now.

Installation instructions

  1. Fork or copy this repository

  2. copy and rename config.yml.dist in config.yml changing settings inside

  3. create your in root directory

  4. push your changes in your repository, then configure the github pages in your repository settings

  5. Your wiki is ready!


MIT License