I am not a designer so I cannot impress you with breathtaking Jekyll themes, but brume is something that just came to my mind and I had to build it.


  • Download the ZIP file and extract it’s contents.
  • Open _config.yml file and enter your site’s URL and add additional configuration or update the existing one if needed.
  • Open _data/brume.yml file and fill in values for site name (site title), author (your name) and description (blog description). This file contains all the custom information about your page. You can access it using site.data.brume object.
  • Open about/index.md file and add information about you or your site. You can delete this file and directory if not needed.
  • Open _data/links.yml and add additional links or update the existing ones that you want to be displayed in the navigation menu.
  • If you don’t want to use CC BY-NC 4.0 licence for the content then you should change the footer text, which is located in _layouts/default.html.
  • Change the logo, which can be found in public/images folder.
  • Build your site and be happy!